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Deliverance From Demonic Powers explains in straightforward, Scriptural and easy-to-understand terms, the Real Truth about demonization, both for those who suspect they or someone they love need deliverance, as well as for those who have a heart and calling to help others to be set free from demonic influence. It deals directly with the most essential issues concerning the demonic realm and deliverance without all the unproven psychology-based theories contained in many other volumes on the topic. Deliverance From Demonic Powers is the product of more than thirty years of practical experience in identifying and casting out of real demons out of real people! It is written by one of today's leading experts on demonic activity and liberation from the throes of the those demon powers! In the first section, Deliverance From Demonic Powers answers many of the most frequently asked questions about deliverance; such as:
The second section of Deliverance From Demonic Powers consists of a complete listing of all the evil spirits (demons) specifically named in the Bible, along with an explanation of what activity those demons cause in those they influence. This section is especially useful for separating fact from fiction and the excesses of mystical lore about demons so prevalent today among many ministries and groups claiming to have a deliverance ministry. This may be the most important section of the entire book in that literally hundreds of activities, workings, and schemes of demon powers are uncovered in it. God said in the Book of Genesis that the Serpent, the devil, was more wily or crafty than all the non-human creatures, and understandably so, since he originally was one of the archangels who lived in the presence of God. So, uncovering all of Satan's diabolical schemes and plots is an impractical task, but Deliverance From Demonic Powers goes a long way toward revealing many of the devil's devices. Being knowledgeable of his devices and methods nullifies two of the Adversary's greatest weapons he uses against people—deception and ignorance. "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. ...Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he was only a short time." [Rev. 12:7-9,12] "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy" [Jesus; Jn. 10:10] "Be of sober spirit (regarding the matter of Satan's operations), be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." [1 Pet. 5:8] We are not facing light scirmishes and mere "struggles" in this last hour, but rather the adversary of our lives, Satan, has been cast down to the earth from heaven, having great wrath, to wreak devastation, destruction, and death upon as many of humankind as possible. He works night and day, incessantly, to perpetrate his diabolical schemes (strategic battle plans) against us to vex our minds, captivate our souls, torment us with a myriad of fears and phobias, to discourage, distract, confuse, and, if possible, to ultimately defeat us. The enemy's strongest weapon is deception and ignorance. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," God says (Hos. 4:6). The obverse is that the believer's greatest weapon against the wiles of the devil is KNOWLEDGE of how the adversary operates — his schemes, strategies, and devices. Deliverance From Demonic Powers will arm you with the knowledge you need to offensively resist the devil in order to force him and his diabolical cohorts to "flee from you" (Jas. 4:7).
The fourth section of this powerful and profound book is a demonological dictionary and encyclopedia of demonic/occult activities and involvements, cults, societies, and groups. From seemingly innocent child's play with a Ouija board to supposedly for "entertainment only" dabbling with Tarot Cards to purportedly helpful and harmless Yoga exercises, multitudes of people have unwittingly opened themselves up to demonic incursion and the destructive psychological and physiological effects they produce. Anyone who has ever been involved in any of the activities or groups listed in this section needs deliverance in order to be set free from the lingering spiritual effects of those activities and involvements on people's lives, even long after they have ceased and separated themselves from them. The last section of Deliverance From Demonic Powers is perhaps the most impactful of all, in that it contains a compendium of Scripture passages revealing the judgments, adverse effects, and curses that practitioners of the occult and those who allow themselves to be agents of demonical activities and behavior bring upon themselves. Myriads of people around the world are experiencing these pervasive effects in many different aspects of their lives without any knowledge of their cause. Order Deliverance From Demonic Powers TODAY! Scripture foretells that the corruption of the world's system will wax worse and worse toward the final consummation of the ages. Evil will abound more then than at any time before. Daily news makes it obvious that time is upon us now. Innumerable and ubiquitous hordes of evil spirits are corrupting every segment of life on Earth, exerting a perverting and destructive influence upon the behavior, attitudes, and emotions of billions of unaware human victims. Their mission is but for to kill, steal, and destroy (Jn. 10:10), and Man's wholesale ignorance of them and their modus operandi grants them unimpeded, carte blanche access, ability, and allowance to carry out that mission wherever and upon whomever there is no resistance and expulsion. While Christendom argues about the semantical and theological abstracts of demonology, demons are demonizing myriads of mankind and thereby wreaking havoc in many segments of societies all over the world. Daily news events giving evidence of a world gone amok makes the specter of demons and their influence on mankind undeniable, and renders abstract debate totally inane, futile, and worthless. The proof is in the pudding! Believers need to dispense with the debate, and start educating, equipping, and arming themselves to do battle against these unseen agents of evil. Ignorance not only is not bliss — it will destroy you! God Himself said, "MY people [Christians] are destroyed for lack of knowledge!" (Hosea 4:6). Don't
YOU remain ignorant concerning the devil's devices, Order Deliverance From Demonic Powers TODAY! Unfortunately, to many professing believers and church-groups, the very first part of the Great Commission Jesus issued has been the "great omission" — "And these signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will CAST OUT DEMONS…!" (Mark 16:17). Don't YOU be a professing believer who doesn't believe what Jesus said! This easy-to-read book is required reading for all true believers who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and day after day passively enduring the constant and continual confluence of chaos, confusion, carelessness, competition, and corruption in their own lives and in the lives of those they love. Or, if you have a desire to help others who are experiencing such incessant and sometimes excruciating troubles, trials, torments, and tribulations, this book is required reading for you too! Order Deliverance From Demonic Powers TODAY! Deliverance From Demonic Powers delivers the Real Truth about the often misunderstood matter of liberation from demonic powers and the curses over individuals and whole families that often result from their incursions! |
By Steven Lambert, ThD Publisher: Real Truth Publications ISBN 1-887915-04-4 [Not Available in Bookstores] Read More |
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