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Steven Lambert Ministries Inc



Dr. Steven Lambert

Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin

Dr. Steven Lambert is an ordained minister with more than four decades of ministry experience involving the apostolic, prophetic, teaching, writing, counseling, deliverance, church planting, evangelism, and revival. He is the author of an ever-increasing number of books and published articles that have been read by thousands around the world, many of which are posted on this website. He is also a gospel singer with several albums to his credit, as well as a narrator of Christian audiobooks.


Dr. Lambert is the Founder and Overseer of EPHESIANS FOUR NETWORK OF CHURCHES & MINISTRIES [Go], an international fellowship of Fivefold Ministers relating and co-laboring for common purposes and the accomplishment of the end-time purposes and plans of God.

His prophetic ministry is attested by the accurate prophetic words of counsel and wisdom that have brought edification, exhortation, and comfort to the thousands of recipients. The Lord also operates through him a strong anointing for deliverance and healing.

SLM Inc is headquartered in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, and Brother Lambert travels to minister where the Lord leads.

You can read more about Dr. Lambert on the "About" page.

Book Titles

  • Now Faith Is
  • The Mystery of the Kingdom
  • Charismatic Captivation
  • Charismatic Control
  • Deliverance From Demonic Powers
  • Let Us Pray
  • Forty Healing Scriptures
  • Dunamis! Power from on High!
  • The Prophetic Gifts & Office
  • Uncovering The Myth of Spiritual Covering
  • The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation

Audiobook Narrations

  • Charismatic Control
  • Dunamis! Power from on High!
  • Mystery of the Kingdom
  • David's Royal Family
  • Seeking the Kingdom of God First (Charles Finney)
  • Christian Affinity (Charles Finney)
  • Blessed Hope (Dwight L. Moody)
  • Ready for the Rapture
  • Life Story of Lester Sumrall
  • Apostolic Foundations (Soon!)
  • Armageddon Ahead (Soon!)

Bona Fides

  • Ordained minister
  • Bishop/Overseer/Prelate
  • Certified Christian Counselor
  • Certified Deliverance Counselor
  • Author, writer, editor, publisher
  • Audiobook Narrator & Producer
  • Apostolic Prophet, Teacher
  • Watchman on the Wall
  • Bible Scholar/Teacher
  • Doctors of Theology & Ministry
  • Singer/songwriter/musician
  • Father, Grandfather, Widower
  • Really good cook 🙂


A weekly audio podcast and radio program hosted by Dr. Lambert featuring anointed Bible-based teaching of the real truth of the Word of God aimed at reaching the lost and arming the Body of Christ with the spiritual weaponry needed to live a victorious and God-glorifying life.


REAL TRUTH for REAL LIFE in the REAL WORLD! WRTN-DB streaming weekdays 7 AM to 7 PM worldwide on the Internet. Featuring gospel music, dynamic Bible teaching, personalized ministry, audiobook narrations, top-of-the-hour USA Radio News, and much more! Listen on any device from anywhere.

Blog Articles

Spiritually enriching, empowering, and informative articles aimed at arming genuine believers in Christ with what they need to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us and to fulfill the purposes and plans of God both individually and collectively as members of the Body of Christ!

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Alternatively, you can send checks and money orders to: SLM, Inc | 8314 Riviera Way | Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986.


[Recipient Address: slambert@slm.org]

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The Real Truth Digest

A repository of spiritually enriching and educating articles.



Today I preached the greatest sermon I never preached!

I preached it not from a pulpit, but from a recliner chair in a chemotherapy clinic!

I preached it not from notes I had meticulously prepared beforehand, but completely extemporaneously, impromptu, from the memory vault of my real life story—my his-tory!


The following are two prophecies over the City Beautiful, Orlando, Florida, which the Lord spoke through me in September 1988. Over the course of three years beginning in the latter half of 1988 and continuing through the first half of 1990 I conducted some three hundred meetings in which I was teaching on the prophetic gifts and office as well as prophesying about a coming prophetic movement followed by an apostolic movement in which the offices of the prophet and the apostle would be restored to their proper place of function in the Church that Jesus is building (Mat. 16:18), despite the fact that what God was doing in the Spirit realm would be widely rejected by men in terms of its implementation in the natural realm. To this day that I am publishing these prophecies, I continue to adamantly believe God indeed DID restore both of those offices to their rightful place of function in the SPIRIT realm, but I am also keenly aware that to this day that fact has been largely rejected by the vast majority of those entities that claim to be part of the genuine Church, though the irrefutable fact is that any entity that does not have has has a foundation consisting of apostles and prophets and Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20), that entity, regardless of what it calls itself, is NOT a legitimate “church” that is part of parcel of the ecclesia that Jesus, as its Head, is building!


But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.

The first requirement regarding faith is: one must accept, receive, or activate it to become a Believer.

But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word [the message, the basis] of faith which we preach— because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he acknowledges and confesses [his faith openly], resulting in and confirming [his] salvation.”

The Manifestation (Charismata) Gift of Prophecy

The entrance of God’s Word gives light, or illumination of the Truth (Psa. 119:130). By and by, throughout the ages, God has been dispelling spiritual darkness in the Church by gradually revealing more and more Truth and by gradually giving us greater illumination of the Truth. As a result, the Church’s understanding of the Truth is becoming more and more complete and perfected. This is what the Holy Spirit means in His allusion to being “established in present Truth.” Certainly, it is not that the Truth of God changes or needs up-dating, but rather this refers to the Church’s understanding of the Truth. This process seems to be especially accelerated in these last days in which much fresh Truth is being revealed to the Church through a “new breed” of Fivefold Ministers.


he world/unbelievers does/do what the world/unbelievers does/do in a time of crisis, but how should believers respond in such a time? This series addresses that question from a Biblical viewpoint.

The Real Truth About the Covid-19 Plague

Under a microscope, the unmistakable and obvious signature of Satan, who is the god/prince/ruler of this world according to numerous scripture passages can be seen. Coronaviruses were so named because the virus appears similar to a “crown.” This is Satan’s signature as the god/prince/ruler of this world. Jesus Himself referred to Satan as the prince and ruler of this world.

A Prophetic Word to Local Church Leaders

The greatest church-growth program ever devised in the history of mankind and the church Jesus is building is the Fivefold Ministry Model outlined in Ephesians 4:4-16. Every senior church leader in America and some other nations around the world has at their ready disposal some of the most battle-tested, God-anointed, God-appointed, life-experienced Fivefold Ministers on the planet living right in their “backyard,” so to speak, in the form of highly-experienced preachers/teachers/ministers who reside in their geographical sphere of operation — in their immediate locality, their region, or state. God has distributed these mighty warriors of God all around you like salt on a plate of food. These are Kingdom-assets God has blessed you with who are eager to do what they can within their range of ministerial expertise to HELP you in the task of building your local church.

A Prophetic Word for 2020

n 2020, one of the emphases of the Spirit will be eschatological events, because God wants His betrothed, the genuine Church He is building, to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent–HE IS COMING BACK SOON! Eschatology is the knowledge and study of endtimes.

BIBLICAL Hate Speech

Even professing “Christians”—those who claim to know God—do not know the God of the Bible; i.e., the God who reveals who He really is in His Word, of which He is the ultimate and original author. Remember: Every word contained in and comprising Holy Writ (the...

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“On any given Sunday,” what emanates from most pulpits in America, sad to say, has the spiritual depth of Scotch Tape! Regardless of how pious-sounding and eloquently delivered the religious rhetoric, it is nonetheless void of the divine-power required to edify and activate the hearers’ spirits. Why?

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The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation

THE GREAT APOSTASY Podcast Series THE REAL TRUTH PODCAST - Episode #36 The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation Series/Part-7 | In this series Dr. Lambert addresses the perilous path of doctrinal deviation that so many professing believers and churches are traveling...

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It is now time that individual believers and the collective Church that Jesus is building MUST begin to advance toward the accomplishment of the end-times purposes and plans of God!

God is doing a NEW THING as He promised in His word He is constantly doing, and it is up to every genuine believer in Christ and the collective church to know, understand, comprehend what those new things are and begin to walk in and according to them!

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The Consequences of Spiritual Barrenness

By Steven Lambert In 1984 I published my book, The Mystery of the Kingdom. The article that follows is an excerpt from that book. I could not have known when I wrote the book just how applicable and prophetic some of what I wrote in the book would be all these years...

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12 Reasons “Covenant Agreements” Are Not of God

Recently, I interfaced and interacted with a group whose primary commonality is their claim to be apostolic leaders, which, in my view, is extremely dubious in the case of but only a few. In the aftermath, a great disappointment and matter of dismay to me was being made aware, despite the decades of disapprobation and disrepute, some of their number, including some of their senior leaders, continue to employ in working/relating “covenant relationships” with junior leaders of their group such “spiritual covenants” of the ilk described and referenced herein. I was deeply grieved in my spirit by what I saw, discerned, and experienced at that conference. A major part of my concern regarding this group (as a group), is their ostensible lack of spiritual discernment and understanding regarding worldly and demonic influences that are apparently part of their theological and belief systems. As a result of almost continual prayer for several weeks afterwards, I was impelled by the Spirit to unburden myself by the writing of this article and others I will be writing to articulate some of what the Lord has shown me regarding the nascent apostolic-prophetic movements, past, present, and future.

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Uncovering the Myth of Spiritual Covering

“Spiritual covering” as theorized by those who teach, promulgate, and adhere to it is an absolute myth. No semblance of the version of “spiritual covering” taught by its proponents exists anywhere within the pages of Holy Writ (Scripture). I will take it a step further and state straightforwardly and unambiguously: “Spiritual covering,” in the vein that it is presented by its proponents and proliferators, is an unmitigated lie and complete myth! It is a complete fabrication concocted by the originators of these fallacious doctrines by which to facilitate and perpetuate their purely self‑aggrandizing objectives of subjugation, domination and control of the sheep of God’s Flock.

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We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. (Col. 1:28)