
Book Titles

  • Now Faith Is
  • The Mystery of the Kingdom
  • Charismatic Captivation
  • Charismatic Control
  • Deliverance From Demonic Powers
  • Let Us Pray
  • Forty Healing Scriptures
  • Dunamis! Power from on High!
  • The Prophetic Gifts & Office
  • Uncovering The Myth of Spiritual Covering
  • The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation

Audiobook Narrations

  • Charismatic Control
  • Dunamis! Power from on High!
  • Mystery of the Kingdom
  • David's Royal Family
  • Seeking the Kingdom of God First (Charles Finney)
  • Christian Affinity (Charles Finney)
  • Blessed Hope (Dwight L. Moody)
  • Ready for the Rapture
  • Life Story of Lester Sumrall
  • Apostolic Foundations (Art Katz)

Bona Fides

  • Ordained minister
  • Bishop/Overseer/Prelate
  • Certified Christian Counselor
  • Certified Deliverance Counselor
  • Author, writer, editor, publisher
  • Audiobook Narrator & Producer
  • Apostolic Prophet, Teacher
  • Watchman on the Wall
  • Bible Scholar/Teacher
  • Doctors of Theology & Ministry
  • Singer/songwriter/musician
  • Father, Grandfather, Widower
  • Really good cook 🙂

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by Dr. Steven Lambert | DUNAMIS! Power from on High!

Dr. Steven Lambert

Dr. Steven Lambert is an ordained minister who has functioned over nearly five decades of ministry as an apostle-prophet, teacher, revivalist, evangelist, counselor, singer and musician, theologian and Bible scholar, editor, publisher, and writer — all with a prophetic edge and anointing manifest in those functions. The Lord has gifted him with a unique anointing for “times of refreshing” that come from the “presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19), in which there is a Spirit-charged atmosphere that produces healings, miracles, prophetic exhortation, and “prophetic evangelism” drawing believers and unbelievers alike into a closer intimacy with the Lord.

Dr. Lambert has authored an ever-increasing number of books, booklets, courses, and other teaching materials (See Catalog), and is the contributing editor of several online blogs, including the one on this site. One of the books for which he has become well-known is, Charismatic Captivation, which addresses the continuing prevalent problem of authoritarian abuse and psychological enslavement in Neo-Pentecostal churches and ministering to victims. He has also authored books, articles, and a college-level curriculum course regarding the restoration of the prophetic gifts and office, a topic on which he taught extensively during the 1980s and 1990s in many prophetic seminars predicated on a personal revelation of the Spirit the Lord gave him on this critical topic of the restoration of the prophetic and apostolic Fivefold Ministry Offices before many of the other voices who began teaching on and prophesying regarding the coming restoration during that time.

Steven Lambert is “A VOICE OF ONE” (Mat. 3:3; Mk. 1:3; Lk. 3:4; Jn. 1:23) crying out in the wilderness, make ready the way of the Lord, make His paths straight! Brother Lambert knows well he is not among today’s cabal of “popular” preachers, nor does he want to be. The Lord Jesus Christ has graced him with being content being “A VOICE OF ONE!” He knows well that he speaks things others do not. He addresses issues others won’t. That’s what “A VOICE OF ONE” does!

Dr. Lambert’s ministry demonstrates that the popular hypothesis promulgated by those claiming to be apostolic and prophetic today that the prophets will all speak a consensus prophetic word in unison and march in lock-step together is wholly false! John the Baptist didn’t echo the words of the religious spokesmen of his day; neither did Jesus! The O.T. prophets also stood as a lone voice trumpeting forth a warning against the populus morals and mores as well. God has always used “voices of one” — singular, independent, autonomous voices — genuine prophets who boldly speak the unfettered and unfiltered Word of the Lord, not the word of human consortiums. They stand alone. They stand away! They stand out! They cry out FROM THE WILDERNESS — the place of barrenness, baseness, destitution, separation, and solitude where genuine proven prophets live, alone, away from the hordes of prophetic pretenders and spiritual imposters, where few others want or have the spiritual constitution to live! Prophet’s don’t live in king’s palaces.

At precisely “the right time” (Rom. 5:6) in the annals of human history God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as the Savior of all mankind. At precisely the right time God sent John the Baptist, a VOICE OF ONE to perform the necessary functions of the forerunner to the coming Christ, to prepare the way of the coming of the Lord. In so doing, God entirely bypassed the entire existing religious system and all its leadership who were voices of that existing religious system. The “new and living way” (Heb. 10:20) that Christ was bringing required a different voice, a VOICE OF ONE to decry, decree, declare, and do what needed to be done in preparation for the coming new way. John the Baptist was that one voice. Today, God has raised up “voices of one” to decry, decree, declare, and do what needs to be done in preparation for the prophesied return of the Lord! Steven Lambert is one of those “VOICES OF ONE!” He has accepted and embraced the Lord’s assignment.

Steven Lambert is one of a number of prophetic voices emerging from the wilderness who were born in the prophetic year of 1948, the year of Israel’s prophesied rebirth as a nation. Jesus declared that “this generation” — the generation whose birth coincided with the rebirth of Israel as a nation (the fig tree) — “shall not pass away” until all the end-times events He prophesied were fulfilled (Mat. 24:34).

Moreover, Dr. Lambert was Born Again and Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1976, America’s Bicentennial Year, marking 200 years of liberation and independence, and thus 2016 marked Dr. Lambert’s 40th year of ordained ministry. The Lord has repeatedly affirmed that the timing of Prophet Lambert’s natural birth as well as his spiritual rebirth were by no means accidental, incidental, or merely a natural matter, but rather that it bears significant spiritual import relative to the end-time ministry God has pledged and prophetically reaffirmed to bring about in accordance with His perfect timing and plan.

Though his salvation/regeneration experience did not take place until the age of 28, from his earliest childhood memories Brother Lambert has been keenly aware of the presence of the Lord in and the hand of the Lord on his life, demonstrated as it was in numerous unusual personal encounters with the Presence and Power of the Lord Jesus. It wasn’t until that day in January 1976 when he surrendered his heart and life to the Lord, however, that all those supernatural experiences began to make sense to him. The supernatural and prophetic have been a constant in Steven Lambert’s life ever since. Friends, family, and followers of his ministry have been first-hand witnesses, some beneficiaries as well, of the supernatural power of God manifest in his life, not only in meetings but every-day life as well.

Literally within minutes of saying “Amen” to the Sinner’s Prayer of Salvation, miracles began to occur through him as a human vessel of God’s dunamis-power in the form of his mother’s healing of a mysterious condition that left her paralyzed and bedridden for several months for which a battery of medical doctors had no explanation and offered no hope of recovery. This miracle took place even before he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in similar manner as the Apostles healed the sick and cast out demons solely on the authority of Jesus’ command more than three years before they received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. That miracle, along with numerous events following it, had a strong influence on his Dad’s surrender to the Lord a few days after his 49th birthday, which eventually led to his mother turning to the Lord, as well.

Upon being powerfully baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire a few months after he was saved, the manifestation gifts of the Spirit began to be overtly and inordinately manifest in his life. More than twenty people he prayed for in the ensuing few weeks were instantaneously healed of various maladies and conditions, including several who were terminally-ill. For nearly a year thereafter he volunteered to visit and pray for those submitted to the “sick list” at the church he was attending, resulting in scores of miraculous healings and recoveries from serious and in some cases terminally-ill conditions. Over more than four decades since that first year, the Lord has from time to time directed Prophet Lambert to go to hospital ICUs to pray for people who were at death’s door and not expected to make it through the night, whom the Lord snatched out of the grip of death through the Omnipotent Power of His Presence manifest.

Not long after he was baptized in the Holy Spirit, another special anointing began to manifest in his life in a very unusual and inordinate way — a powerful prophetic deliverance anointing incorporating discerning of spirits and words of knowledge regarding the presence of evil spirits operating in people’s lives as well as in certain places, territories, entities, and buildings. His anointing in this area of deliverance counseling and consulting led to the establishment of a counseling and consulting ministry explained on the website, DeliveranceNow.Com. Dr. Lambert is a Certified Doctoral Diplomate Christian Counselor.

In 1993 Brother Lambert received a prophetic word describing a new measure of deliverance power the Lord was releasing in his ministry:

“…you shall but only speak, and deliverance will come forth to set the captives free, for you shall be a deliverer as Moses was a deliverer; but you shall only strike the waters with Moses’ staff and they shall be parted, and my people shall cross over on dry ground, and deliverance and salvation and victory shall come, but you shall not have to labor long wrestling with demons but shall but speak the word of emancipation, declaring, “You’re free,” and they shall be free by prophetic proclamation…. The Words that shall be in your mouth shall not be your words, but My Words, for I will put My Words in your mouth, and these Words shall bring down kingdoms of darkness and strongholds over this city and many other cities, and over churches. For this is a strongman ministry….I have called you to go into cities and churches to bring to naught the principalities, the ruling princes, that have been ruling in the heavenlies over those cities and churches. You will be a voice of mercy and a voice of my judgment….”

Not long after receiving the Lord into his heart, the Lord spoke poignantly and powerfully to Brother Lambert that, like Jeremiah, God had called him a prophet before he was even formed in his mother’s womb. His ministry operations has always had a very strong prophetic anointing and unction upon it, even before he understood what he later came to understand better what being a modern-day prophet meant. For the first decade of his ministry the Lord led him in a journey of study and divine revelation to discover more about the prophetic gifts and office, in particular. That journey resulted in a book that served as the text for a prophetic course Dr. Lambert authored in the early 1980s. In the mid-1980s the Lord instructed him to begin holding prophetic seminars primarily in the state of Florida, in which he began to prophesy concerning the coming prophetic movement in which the prophetic office would be restored to function in the Church Jesus is building, which did indeed transpire in the mid-1980s, and how that that prophetic movement would segue into a related movement of the restoration of the apostolic office as well, which also transpired.

However, after a few years of conducting those seminars in meeting halls, churches, and even people’s homes who requested them, Dr. Lambert began to be extremely concerned about how these two movements were unfolding compared to what God intended for them, and about some of the leaders and the organizations that arose were hijacking and commandeering the God-initiated movements and misrepresenting and misusing the apostolic and prophetic offices for self-aggrandizing purposes rather than the purposes God ordained for them. In time, he felt the strong leading of the Lord to withdraw from all associations and any connections with those who were prominent participants in the forefront of those movements, until such a time in the future when the Lord would lead him to “re-emerge,” so to speak, and have a part in the Lord’s initiation of a “reset” of these movements, which He would use to lead many Fivefold Ministers and the church Jesus is building into a deeper understanding and revelation concerning the real purpose and function of those two ministry offices in concert with the other three Fivefold Ministry Offices. During that period of withdrawal, prophet Lambert knew in his spirit the time required to pass before the time for the reset to begin would likely be many years, but he could not envision that it would be three long decades! (Update, October, 2016:) In 2015 and 2016, the Lord began speaking to him strongly that the time for the reset was fast approaching, and that it would be marked by the passing of several of the most prominent leaders of the former movements, which, at the time of the addition of this update, has also begun transpiring. The Lord used these leaders to some degree for his purposes, but like King David, they served their indigenous generation they were ordained by God to serve and by the will of God “fell asleep” (Acts 13:36), because they had exhausted the revelation God gave them concerning the apostolic, prophetic, and Fivefold Ministry. In the days ahead, God will release greater, more perfect revelation concerning these matters, and how they are to be used by God to perfect and prepare the Church for the return of Christ to claim it as His eternal Bride.

Sadly, in November 2011, Dr. Lambert’s wife of 28 years, Sandy, passed into her eternal rewards, which no doubt are great. Sandy powerfully and profoundly touched many people’s lives with her inordinately strong love for the Lord. She will always, on this side, be greatly missed and remembered with extraordinary affection by those who knew and loved her. Dr. Lambert has not remarried.

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions. Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. (Col. 1:24-29 NASB)

CLICK HERE to download a Brief Bio of Steven Lambert (PDF).

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