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Here’s some additional recordings of Dr. Lambert’s messages and music for you to enjoy free of charge! If the player below does not load in a few seconds, reload/refresh the page in your browser, and it should then load. Use the slider on the player to see the entire list of recordings available.
Story of Lester Sumrall![]() |
DUNAMIS! Power…!![]() |
Charismatic Control![]() |
Forty Healing Scriptures![]() |
Let Us Pray!![]() |
Ready for the Rapture![]() |
David’s Royal Family![]() |
Christian Affinity![]() |
Blessed Hope![]() |
Seeking Kingdom First![]() |
MP3 recording of Dr. Steven Lambert’s anointed reading of 40 Healing Scriptures on the backdrop of beautiful, soothing background instrumentals!
Listen to a sample (click right arrow to play):
You can buy this MP3 recording for immediate download by clicking on the “Buy Now” button below. The cost of this MP3 recording is only $4.99 — worth every penny and much more if you need healing!
Note: Payment is via the PayPal® gateway using any credit/debit card, but a PayPal® account is NOT required. Upon purchase, download links will automatically and immediately be sent to the email address you provide.
Do you need physical or psychological healing? Millions do. If you will diligently and faithfully follow the instructions proffered on this recording, supernatural healing will manifest.
This promise comes, however, with one caveat: you must believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and your Healer in your heart and confess that belief with your mouth! You have nothing to lose, if you are not well, either physically or psychologically — following the instructions herein will not harm you in any way — and you have everything to gain!
Try it! Give it thirty days verbalizing these Scriptures at least once per day, believe it, and see what the supernatural “Word of His Power” will do for you!
But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”–that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” (Rom. 10:8-11)
But, faith without works is useless and dead, or ineffectual, lifeless, and powerless (Jas. 2:20,26). Hebrews 1:3 speaks of “the WORD of His (God’s) POWER!” This is alluding to the fact that all of God’s POWER is resident or contained in His WORD!
God created the entire creation by verbalizing, speaking, His WORD! And, the Word of God is Jesus Himself (cf., Jn. 1-14; 1 Jn. 1:1-3).
The Graphe-word, i.e., the written Word of God has no power to produce anything until it is spoken or verbalized, transforming it from the graphe to the Rhema-Word. It is the Rhema-Word that has the power to produce. When it is spoken, all of God’s POWER is released, and God said His Word shall not return unto Him void without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent (Isa 55:11), and He declares that He is WATCHING OVER His Word to PERFORM it (Jer. 1:12; cf., Ezk. 12:25).
The very reason God has given us 66 Books of His Word is for us to speak it, verbalize it, declare and decree it, and thereby ACTIVATE it! The Word of God says if WE decree a thing that is predicated on the Word of God, that which we have decreed and declared will be established or manifest or come to pass (Job 22:28)!
On this recording Dr. Lambert recites forty Scripture verses to help you to build up your faith for healing, and if you will believe what God says in these verses, declare them over your body or mind or emotions (speak the Word of God to your body or mind or emotions), and walk or act as if they are the Truth and working, the Word of God shall NOT return unto the Source (God) void without accomplishing the purposes for which it was sent!
If you need physical healing in your physical body, DECREE aloud these declarations to and over your body as Dr. Lambert reads them, and your body will respond to them, if you believe it and mean it!
If you need healing in your soul (mind, will, emotions), speak them aloud to your soul as Dr. Lambert reads them, and they will produce the healing you need! Remember, not one word of all of God’s good promises have ever failed (Jos. 23:14)!
Nothing is of greater priority to God than your prosperity, financially, physically, psychologically, and spiritually (3 Jn. 2). That is why He sent His Word (the Son of God/God the Son Himself) to HEAL you!
The goal of this recording is to help bring forth a manifestation of the healing balm of Gilead (the supernatural healing virtue of Jesus) in your life as you listen to the reading of God’s Word! (Though no warranties are made, intended, or implied.)
CHARISMATIC CONTROL: Witchcraft in Neo-Pentecostal Churches
This is the audiobook of the booklet, Charismatic Control, which is adapted from the book, Charismatic Captivation, also by Dr. Lambert. It was published in response to the requests of many fans of the “big book” for a condensed version they could give to loved ones and acquaintances who they believed were part of a dominating and controlling church or ministry.
Multitudes of sincere and trusting believers are unaware victims of the heavy hand of hyper-authoritarianism, or spiritual abuse, psychological enslavement, and exploitation, perpetrated by dominating and controlling ministers and groups. They are ensnared in the web of religious captivation, and don’t realize it.
The problem with spiritual blindness is its victims are totally blind to it. Likewise, the problem with deception is that the deceived are deceived about being deceived. Victims of authoritarianism are indoctrinated to accept biblically-condemned and -prohibited doctrines and practices as being proper and normative, though they are neither.
Deliverance-101 (Part-1) $4.99
Deliverance-101 (Part-2) $4.99
Click on the “View Cart” button below after you’ve clicked on both “Add to Cart” buttons above to complete your purchase:
Note: Payment is via the PayPal® gateway using any credit/debit card, but a PayPal® account is NOT required. Upon purchase, download links will be automatically and immediately sent to the email address you provide.
Deliverance-101 Teaching MP3:
Have you always wanted to know more about the matter of Deliverance? This TWO-PART teaching in MP3 Format, entitled, Deliverance 101, by Dr. Steven Lambert, one of the most respected and recognized experts on the subject of deliverance alive today, and founder/purveyor of one of the premier deliverance websites on the Internet, DeliveranceNow.Com, will many of your questions.
This teaching is basically a primer on deliverance, and addresses many of the fundamental matters, issues, and commonly asked questions about deliverance.
It also helps listeners to know if deliverance is what they need, and helps to prepare listeners for deliverance, and thus is required-listening before counselees can schedule any deliverance sessions via DeliveranceNow.Com., which is Dr. Lambert’s deliverance counseling website.
Once you download the MP3 files onto your computer, podcast player, or mobile device, you can listen to the teaching as many times as you want, both in preparation for deliverance and afterward to help you understand and remind yourself how to keep your deliverance and move forward.
When you have listened to both parts of the Two-Part series, it is highly recommended you visit DeliveranceNow.Com and continue with the process to obtain qualified deliverance ministry, if you have determined you need deliverance. There are many resources and much valuable information regarding deliverance contained on that website!
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