by Steven Lambert | Feb 11, 2008
In an earlier post in which I was commenting on matters inherent in the Grassley Investigation, I wrote: “A ‘Day of Reckoning’ is surely coming to many irresponsible and unscrupulous ministries.” I prophesied that we are about see a fulfillment...
by Steven Lambert | Feb 6, 2008
Charisma Magazine, founded by Stephen Strang, was originally an organ of my home church, Calvary Assembly of Winter Park, Florida. Roy Harthern was the influential senior pastor of the church at the time. Harthern convinced the church financial board that Calvary...
by Steven Lambert | Feb 2, 2008
As I stated on the previous post, I am convinced this whole matter I am discussing in these previous several posts is far from being a mere sidebar, but rather is a prophetic warning from God. I believe it is a critical Kingdom Matter that the Church must turn its...
by Steven Lambert | Feb 1, 2008
Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. (Prv. 30:8) As I have been indicating in some previous posts, in many Kingdom-related matters, the difference between truth and error is excesses and...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 28, 2008
This is the third part of message related to the previous few posts regarding issues raised by the Grassley Investigation, in particular, the “Prosperity Gospel” as it is preached by the ministries cited in that congressional probe. If you did not read,...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 22, 2008
Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. (Prv. 30:8) This is the second of a three-part message related to the last few posts regarding issues raised by the Grassley Investigation. As I have...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 21, 2008
Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. (Prv. 30:8) This is the first of a three-part message related to the last few messages I posted regarding issues raised by the Grassley Investigation. As...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 16, 2008
The original post in this series posed the question: Grassley Investigation — Demonic or Divine? (If you have not read the first two posts, I urge you to do so.) In the course of the two previous posts I have been indicating what I believe is the answer to that...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 11, 2008
In the wake of the Grassley Investigation, which was the topic of my previous post, there are reports that the response of most of those ministries being probed is one of adamant denial and angry disputation. The investigation is focused on six prominent ministries:...
by Steven Lambert | Jan 5, 2008
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee has recently begun a probe into the financial practices of some religious organizations claiming Non-Profit Tax-exempt status under federal laws. Senator Charles Grassley, the Committee’s ranking Republican member, as part of...