A Vision: Recent Florida Fires and US Drought
We must receive the revelation of the Spirit that God’s anointed and appointed Davy Crocketts and Daniel Boones (spiritual pioneers)—the “free radicals” of the Spirit—who do not fit into the prototypical modern molds of spiritual leadership also require our spiritual and financial support in order to accomplish the missions to which they’ve been called on behalf of the entire Body. Relative to the rest, they may be “far out,” and far out ahead of the rest of the Body, but that grants no right to ignore and marginalize those individuals, nor their ministries. We must not be guilty of saying, “I have no need of thee!”
Reclaiming Fatherhood and Restoring Fathers (Part 2)
Sunday, June 17, 2007 (Date written)This edition is Part 5 of the series I began a few weeks ago on the phenomenal promises contained in Psalm 112. If you did not read the previous editions, I urge you to do so. Please understand that I am not one of those...Reclaiming Fatherhood and Restoring Fathers (Part 1)
History and sociological statistics tell us that wherever and whenever there is an absence of fatherhood there is an increase in sin and rebellion, along with the resultant crime and corruption sin and rebellion engender societally. The produce of a dearth of fatherhood, both in individual lives and collective society, is disobedience of all sorts and kinds, both to God’s authority and God’s delegated authority — human authority (Rom. 12). Indeed, fatherhood is the expression or manifestation on earth of God’s authority. God is a Father — the ultimate Father. He created the human race out of His need for fellowship with someone other than Himself.
Decreeing Wealth and Riches In Your House!
It’s a shame that one would even have to preface an article about such a totally biblical issue as the one addressed in this post. But, I feel compelled to do so. That is the unfortunate result of the proliferation of counterfeit gospels. Please understand that...The Promise of Blessings Upon Your Children
God declares and decrees in His Word that the posterity of those people who fear the LORD and find great delight in his commands “will be MIGHTY in the land!” They are not wimps or casper-milquetoast people! They don’t live their lives in a corner, cowering in fear and trepidation. They do not live their lives anonymously; they are known and noticed wherever they go. People know who they are! Perhaps more tellingly, as with Jesus and the Apostle Paul, demons know who they are, as well. Whatever their hand finds to do, they do it with all their MIGHT. They’ve established a habit of being STRONG in the Lord and in the POWER of HIS MIGHT! They’ve learned that the joy of the Lord is their strength. They are indefatigible, indestructable, and invincible. THEY ARE MIGHTY PEOPLE!
The Blessings Coming to the Righteous
Yesterday I was reading Psalm 112, and was totally blown away by the prophetic promises it contains! I just had to write to share with you what the Lord was speaking to me about you through it. I say “you,” because I believe you are one who fears the Lord...A New Breed Of Preacher
A New Movement of Fearless Uncompromising Preachers -by Greg Gordon God is raising up a new breed of preachers in our day. People are sick of modern-day soft preaching that does not move our consciences anymore then a worldly movie would. God is going to raise them...The Former Things Have Come to Pass
Passe’ things (former things, things of the past) are dead things, things that have passed away. Living in passe’, obsolete, outdated modes, methods, paradigms, and dimensions is living in the flesh realm, which is the realm of the dead, the lifeless, the deceased, being infused with death. It profits and produces nothing, Jesus said. He also said to let the dead bury the dead, the lifeless, the deceased. But, Spirit-led believers must separate themselves from the flesh realm and move on into the “Land of the Living” — the dimension where God lives and where all things are alive and living, being infused with the Zoe-Life of God.
Now I Declare New Things
God is the God of new things! He indicates multiple times in His self-authored Word that He specializes in declaring, decreeing, announcing, and thereby establishing new things! He is forever breaking molds, models, and methods, and casting new ones.