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Steven Lambert Ministries Inc
Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD (1948 – 2024)

Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD, a devoted servant of God and a highly respected minister, graduated to glory and went home to be with the Lord, Jesus Christ, on November 19, 2024, concluding a remarkable ministry that spanned nearly five decades. Born in 1948 in Springfield, Ohio, Dr. Lambert was an ordained minister who had a profound impact on countless lives through his work in apostolic and prophetic ministry, teaching, writing, counseling, deliverance, church planting, evangelism, and revival. His ministry began in 1976 and touched individuals across the globe, reaching thousands through his teachings and counsel.
He produced and hosted THE REAL TRUTH PODCAST AND RADIO PROGRAM [Go], and THE REAL TRUTH TELEVISION PROGRAM [Go]. Dr. Lambert held a Doctorate in Theology (ThD) and was the author of numerous books and articles, which became a source of inspiration and guidance to readers worldwide. Many of his works, posted online, continue to impact people today. Alongside his written contributions, he was also a talented gospel singer, with several albums to his name, and a narrator of Christian audiobooks.
Dr. Lambert founded and served as Overseer of EPHESIANS FOUR NETWORK OF CHURCHES & MINISTRIES [Go], an international fellowship of Fivefold Ministers relating and co-laboring for common purposes and the accomplishment of the end-time purposes and plans of God. His prophetic ministry, known for its accurate words of wisdom and counsel, brought edification, exhortation, and comfort to many. His strong anointing for deliverance and healing also transformed lives.
Dr. Lambert’s life and work will be remembered by all those he touched, especially his beloved daughter Angela Marie and grandson Zachary, and his legacy will continue to inspire them and others who follow in his footsteps of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can read more about Dr. Lambert’s life on the “About” page.
Book Titles
- Now Faith Is
- The Mystery of the Kingdom
- Charismatic Captivation
- Charismatic Control
- Deliverance From Demonic Powers
- Let Us Pray
- Forty Healing Scriptures
- Dunamis! Power from on High!
- The Prophetic Gifts & Office
- Uncovering The Myth of Spiritual Covering
- The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation
Audiobook Narrations
- Charismatic Control
- Dunamis! Power from on High!
- Mystery of the Kingdom
- David's Royal Family
- Seeking the Kingdom of God First (Charles Finney)
- Christian Affinity (Charles Finney)
- Blessed Hope (Dwight L. Moody)
- Ready for the Rapture
- Life Story of Lester Sumrall
- Apostolic Foundations (Art Katz)
Bona Fides
- Ordained minister
- Bishop/Overseer/Prelate
- Certified Christian Counselor
- Certified Deliverance Counselor
- Author, writer, editor, publisher
- Audiobook Narrator & Producer
- Apostolic Prophet, Teacher
- Watchman on the Wall
- Bible Scholar/Teacher
- Doctors of Theology & Ministry
- Singer/songwriter/musician
- Father, Grandfather, Widower
- Really good cook 🙂
A weekly audio podcast and radio program hosted by Dr. Lambert featuring anointed Bible-based teaching of the real truth of the Word of God aimed at reaching the lost and arming the Body of Christ with the spiritual weaponry needed to live a victorious and God-glorifying life.
Blog Articles
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The Real Truth Digest
A repository of spiritually enriching and educating articles.
Biblical Proof Christians CAN Fall Away
In the same last days in which God is pouring out His Spirit upon all mankind (Joel 2:28), and multitudes are coming into the Kingdom of God, at the same time, many temporary believers are falling away from the faith. Many of them continue to attend church services, however, masquerading behind a facade of piety while their personal lives and behavior is as apostate as can be. As Jude said of such false brethren: “These men are those who are hidden reefs in your love feasts (worship services) when they feast with you without fear” (Jude 12).
Let Us Pray!
Prayer is the most powerful weapon we possess, yet the enemy makes it seem like the most difficult to wield, and even the most ineffectual. But, that is deception. God’s word says, “The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!” Interpretation? Prayer works! Is it difficult? About as difficult as thinking the next thought that wistfully and effortlessly flutters through your mind. The only thing difficult about prayer is overriding one’s flesh that resists us doing it with all it’s got!
A Prophetic Prognosis
For three years or so the Lord has been speaking to me out of the prophetic prediction of Malachi 3:1-6 concerning imminent events that He will be orchestrating in the Church that He is building, i.e., the genuine Body of Christ. In the first quarter of this year, the Lord has been continually increasing the intensity and urgency of what he has been showing and telling me in this regard. I rise today through the auspices of this forum to make a sincere and earnest attempt to convey what I believe I received as a prophetic word from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, which He has instructed me to convey to the Church He is building, that is, His Body. A few days ago, I heard Him instructing me in my spirit to sit down at my computer, write what He speaks to me, and title it “A Prophetic Prognosis.” I did; He did; and what He spoke is what this article is about.
How God’s Theocracy Manifests on Earth
Billions, in the last two millennia since Christ gave believers a model for prayer that became known as “The Lord’s Prayer,” have prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” But, a rarefied few have prayed that portion of the prayer with knowledge of what it means and conviction that it would or even, if they were honest, could be answered. For most, it’s just a petition by rote, and they don’t really mean it. But, Jesus meant it when He instructed believers to pray that way and petition God in that regard. He really meant for us to petition God that His Kingdom come to Earth and that His Will be manifest on Earth as it is manifest in Heaven. The Government of the Kingdom of Heaven and God is the ultimate Theocracy. And, so when we are petitioning God for the manifestation of His Kingdom on Earth as Jesus instructed, we are asking (whether we understand it or not) that God’s Theocracy be manifest on the Earth. Yet, I would surmise it a reasonable assumption that the overwhelming majority of believers have not the slightest clue what God’s Theocracy is or how it does or would manifest on the Earth. This series of articles addresses that matter.
The Charismata
God desires for all believers to be INFORMED, NOT IGNORANT concerning the manifestation gifts of the Spirit, just as He desires for us to be informed about every other matter of the Spirit realm. Yet, there is perhaps more ignorance regarding this one matter than any other.
Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues
To properly understand this whole matter of “various kinds of tongues,” as the New American Standard Bible renders it, requires to first understand the matter of tongues is not a humanly-invented phenomenon, but as the above passage brings out, it was God’s idea and doing to appoint or set in the ekklesia or Church Jesus is building different “kinds of tongues.” The terms “set” and “appointed” both connote permanence. Everyone who has ever worked with cement knows well what the word “set” means, and that once the mixture is set it is permanent and immutable. So, this use by the Holy Spirit of these terms in this passage establishes that fact that God has ordained that various kinds of tongues should be operating in the assemblies of the Church for as long as the Church exists. Nowhere does Scripture inform us that God has rescinded the appointment of the gift of various forms of tongues in the Church, though many have sought to have them “impeached” or “abrogated” from the Church without any Biblical justification for doing so. Cessationists must resort to extra-biblical theorization to support their unproven assertions, which are based virtually exclusively and entirely upon past Church history, which is the record of what the Church did vis-à-vis what God ordained and prescribed in His Word for the Church to do. The chasm between the two is vast!
Tongues—The Initial Evidence of The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
From the preponderance of Scriptural record, it is extremely, and in fact, unimpeachably safe, to conclude that the Biblical pattern of the initial sign or indicator that a person has received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. Certainly, it’s safer to say it is, than that it’s not.
The Great Commission or Omission?
It’s long past time for the Body of Christ to “grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the Head, even Christ” (Eph. 4:15) spiritually maturing to “a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13), and FORCE the devil to FLEE—from individual believers and the collective Church! If the Church Jesus is building is to advance further in this last hour and see “the Kingdom come,” it must begin to embrace and comply with the first tenet of the Great Commission and begin to cast out demons!