Real Truth Podcast
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Episode Series
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Great Apostasy Series
God of New Things
Charismatic Control
DUNAMIS! Power from on High Series
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We are asking for your help with our worldwide outreach and labor toward the accomplishment of our God-given and God-ordained mission and goals.
Steven Lambert Ministries Inc is a 501(c)(3) compliant non-profit corporation registered in the State of Florida, and, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution First Amendment prohibiting Congress from making laws respecting religion and the free exercise thereof, and 26 USC §508(c)(1)(a), and as further explained in IRC Publication 557, is automatically a tax exempt "church" organization per 26 USC §501(c)(3), and thus not required to file Form 1023 "to obtain recognition of exemption" by the IRS, making all donations to SLM Inc nonetheless and notwithstanding tax exempt.
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