A Special Appeal For Your Help!
During this season of remembering the birth of the Messiah, who was God’s greatest Gift to us all, I am appealing to you to please do what you can to help us to continue to develop and expand this God-anointed Ministry. We really need your help, because this ministry receives no funding or support of any kind from any church or other organization or government agency, so we are totally dependent upon the generosity of donors who are obedient to the leading of the Lord to give.
If you are among those who have been touched in some way by this ministry over the last 47 years, I am writing to tell you that, like many ministries in these end-times and particularly with everything we’ve had to deal with this year as a result of my health issues (if you did not know, my oncology doctor told me January this year I would likely be dead in four months), we are really experiencing the “crunch.” Because of my health issues, I’ve been unable to travel or do things I normally do that generate income for the ministry. We also have not been able to publish any new books (though several are partly finished) in two years! Income from my books is what keeps the ministry afloat more than any other source!
Unfortunately, giving to ministries such as this one is barely even a thought for the vast majority of believers today. We’ve become the “forgotten” “charities” when it comes to donations. So, at this time, in particular, this ministry really needs your help financially! We struggle every day just to meet our current obligations, basically paying them out of our own pockets with funds for our personal needs. (In 47 years of ministry, I have NEVER received even one dollar in salary from this ministry! Not ONE DOLLAR! God knows that’s the TRUTH!) One of the things our income is dependent upon is the writing and publishing of my books.
I am making a special appeal to you to pray and ask the Lord what He would have you to do at this time to help us sustain the extensive ministry endeavors in which we are deeply and earnestly engaged. I don’t know how to say it any other way except as I already have: WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW! We are ending the year with CRITICAL SHORTAGES of funding we desperately need to complete our assignment and fulfill the tasks necessary to complete it. There are many things we have not been able to do in terms of maintaining and expanding our outreach due solely to lack of funding! Frankly, that’s not right!
I am asking you to please pray and ask God what He would have you to do to help us with our shortfalls and tremendous financial need to fund all the things we are called to do in now and in the years beyond as we await the return of Christ. Whether it’s $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000 you are able to give at this time, every gift is greatly needed and appreciated! Please help! And, please do it RIGHT NOW! Don’t wait until tomorrow or another day that likely will never come. Do it now, please!
I know the Lord will bless you abundantly in ways and aspects of your life you cannot even imagine, as you are obedient to Him in helping someone else fulfill a calling and mission from Him. [Gal. 6:6] We need your help! Steven Lambert Ministries Inc is an IRS 501.C.3 compliant Florida non-profit corporation, so your gifts are tax deductible.
To donate via PayPal donate page, click/tap HERE:
Simply CLICK/TAP HERE, or CLICK/TAP on the image below, or go directly to PayPal.me/slminc on your mobile device or computer and make a donation of any amount. You can also easily set up a monthly donation of any amount.

You can also use Zelle to give through your bank account by designating the email recipient as slambert@slm.org.
Send checks/Money Orders to: SLM INC | 8314 Riviera Way | Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986.
Thank you for your generosity and graciousness!

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