“Spiritual covering” as theorized by the Discipleship theosophy is an absolute MYTH. No semblance of the Shepherding teaching version of “spiritual covering” exists anywhere within the pages of Scripture. “Spiritual covering,” in the vein it is presented by proponents and propagators of these hyper-authoritarian teachings, is an outright deception! It is a complete fabrication concocted by the originators of these fallacious doctrines as a supposed pretext for facilitation of entirely self-aggrandizing objectives of subjugation, domination, and control.

This article, which is adapted from the book, Charismatic Captivation, is no longer available here, but it can be read in its entirety in Charismatic Captivation.

A new expanded version of this article is also now available in a book published November 1, 2016. Click on the image below to read more about and purchase the book. It is also available as a Kindle Book. It will soon be available as an audiobook as well. To be notified when the audiobook is available, sign up to our email list on the right sidebar.

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